Jasfel Analytics Launches Revolutionary Predictive “No-Show” Solution for Federally Qualified Healthcare Centers & Healthcare Providers

Harness Your Data to Reduce No-Shows and Increase Utilization

Newark, NJ – Jasfel Analytics, the vanguard of healthcare analytics, is thrilled to introduce its groundbreaking predictive “No-Show” solution. Leveraging sophisticated machine learning algorithms for unparalleled accuracy. This innovative technology can accurately anticipate patient no-shows at medical facilities bringing improved standards in patient care while also providing cost and revenue savings.

Jasfel Analytics powerful “Predictive No Show” solution enables healthcare providers to stay ahead of the curve – harnessing historical patient data and uncovering patterns, it predicts exactly which patients are likely to cancel their appointments. By utilizing this insight wisely through proactive outreach or double-bookings, healthcare providers can cut down on the costly issue of missed appointments while boosting utilization rates from slots that would have gone empty.

The state-of-the-art solution increases profits by reducing no-shows and helps healthcare providers optimize their scheduling and resource allocation for maximum efficiency. With tailored customization to fit each facility’s specific needs, our easy-to-implement tool is the perfect choice for hospitals, clinics, and any other medical organization looking to streamline operations while saving costs.

“We are thrilled to introduce our Predictive No-Show Solution to the healthcare industry. It’s a game-changer for healthcare providers looking to improve patient care and save on costs. With our solution, facilities can increase revenue, save on resources and improve the overall patient experience.” – Gary Mann, CEO, Jasfel Analytics.

For more information about Jasfel Analytics Predictive No-Show Solution, please visit our website at https://jasfel.com/  or contact us at info@jasfel.com to schedule a meeting with our team.


Jasfel Analytics is a trusted advisor to c-suite executives in Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and hospitals. They provide comprehensive analytics, consulting services, and insights to help organizations identify opportunities for improvement and profitability. Jasfel Analytics provides an in-depth data analysis and helps organizations develop comprehensive strategies for optimizing operations, improving patient outcomes, and increasing revenue. Their experienced team of consultants have a deep understanding of the complexities facing FQHCs and healthcare providers, enabling them to provide tailored solutions tailored to each organization’s unique needs. Their services can help organizations achieve maximum efficiency, save time and costs, and improve overall patient care.


Top 4 Key Drivers in Getting a 360 Degree View of Your Patients

Top 4 Key Drivers in Getting a 360 Degree View of Your Patients

Most providers believe that they have a full view of their patients and can serve them based on that view. However, there are key factors that should be considered when assessing your patients, and it includes much more than their vital signs.

Many uninsured and under-insured patients will frequent walk-in services without establishing a relationship with a primary care physician.  How can a medical practice provide better care to this patient? By engaging them to get a better assessment of their overall health needs.  Maybe he has a family history of high cholesterol and strokes and complained of stroke-like symptoms during his last visit. He was sent home with instructions to follow-up with his primary care physician but didn’t have one, which is why he keeps presenting at the walk-in site. A few extra minutes to gather more information, including asking the questions, “do you have a primary care doctor? Are you having challenges paying for your medication?”. This provides an opportunity to collect additional data and establish a lasting relationship. Then you could offer him resources to acquire quality health insurance or discounted prescriptions. Your goal is to serve your patients fully by having a 360-degree view. This view not only ensures your patients will receive quality care; in turn, it will keep your patients confident in your services and make them more likely to seek ongoing care with you.  

Here are four key drivers for providing quality healthcare to patients

1. Health Status. Does the patient have any pre-existing conditions?  Is there a family history of any health conditions? 

2. Services have they received at your facility before, and what services have they received in the past at other facilities?

3. Insurance. What type of insurance does the patient have? Do they know what benefits in the past at other facilities? If a patient doesn’t have insurance, you may be able to help them acquire coverage. 

4. Social Determinants. Where does your patient live and work? What amenities are available in their community, and how does this affect their lifestyle?  These factors can impact a person’s health and may dictate how services are provided

How to Get the Most Out of Payer Quality Incentives

When searching for the best healthcare facility to receive care, most likely patients
look at ratings and then the list of health services offered. Centers that have high ratings are
usually centers that are proactive in giving quality care to its patients, have great
communication with their patients and who offer a well-rounded number of services. These
facilities are more than likely supported by partaking in Payer Quality Incentives.
Payer Quality Incentives are a highly effective tool used by insurance companies to
drive providers and healthcare centers to provide proactive care to its patients, gain
financial benefit and improve overall operations as a healthcare facility. For example, ABC
Insurance informs a local FQHC (Federally Qualified Health Center) that they will receive
financial compensation for servicing 50% of its 2,000 ABC Insurance patients with colon
cancer screenings. This not only serves as a great financial benefit, but it also leads patients
to feel proactively cared for and is an excellent way for patients to decrease medical costs
by taking preventative measures to care for their health. Patients getting an early screening
for colon cancer can decrease the likelihood of having to pay for future cancer treatments.
These FQHC’s are responsible for identifying the patients under ABC insurance,
tracking their care, and offering this incentivized service to them. According to researchers,
Asaad Abduljawad and Assaf F. Al-Assaf, at the University of Oklahoma, College of Public

“One of the performance incentives models being used in the USA is Pay-for-
Performance (P4P). This is a model that was initiated to improve measures of quality
and efficiency and eliminate excessive cost. It provides a financial incentive that
allows payers and providers to link economic incentives and operational quality
outcomes. The underlying assumption is that P4P will improve, motivate, and
enhance providers to pursue aggressively and ultimately achieve the quality
performance targets thus decreasing the number of medical errors with less
malpractice events.”

So how do FQHC’s and other health care facilities benefit more from these payer
incentives? Organized tracking systems! Healthcare centers see hundreds of patients with
varying insurances. To partake in these Payer Quality Incentives offered by insurance
companies, they need to be able to efficiently identify what patients are covered under the
specific insurance company offering an incentive. The best method for organization is
securing the proper data analysis tools to do the work for you. With a highly automated
tracking dashboard, you can input patient data and then sort by the different criteria you
need. The dashboard is designed to help you easily sort by criteria such as: insurance
company, name, or dates of service, and more. It makes accessing patient and company
information significantly easier and organizes data in a much smarter way. Experts at Jasfel
Analytics, are an excellent source for not only creating and customizing the dashboard to
the unique needs of your establishment, but they also come in and help implement proper
use of these dashboards.
We believe that health care centers that have organized tracking systems and meet
the requirements of insurance company incentives are centers that thrive. They have high
patient retention rates and are financially supported, which gives them greater access to
resources. Jasfel Analytics is known for creating efficient and innovative dashboards that
help health care centers track patient data, improve health care performance, and establish
an effective system for better record management. To improve the operations of your
establishment, data collection and organization must be a high priority. Aside from better
tracking methods, they automatically make your teams job easier which leads to more
efficient work. These data collection and organizations tools are also great for many other
areas and can improve more than one aspect of your success!

Contact Tracing for COVID-19: Would You Participate?

The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has claimed the lives of many, greatly impacted economies, and shifted everyday norms for people across the world. In the U.S specifically, over 40 million Americans have filed for unemployment while on the other side, medical staff and healthcare providers’ employment has increased. One of the most unique challenges of COVID-19 is the level to which the virus is taken seriously in each population. In America, not only have the number of COVID cases increased significantly, but people have begun resuming their normal pre-corona activities, increasing the chances the virus will spread more rapidly. This has enforced the need to monitor and track those who have contracted the virus and inform and monitor those other individuals and places they have recently contacted. This action of monitoring and tracing COVID patients is called Contact-Tracing and was developed to accurately collect data about the number of cases and to inform the appropriate parties of any recent contact with a COVID carrier.

Although contact-tracing is a new and widely accepted data collection method, there are a few factors that have possibly contributed to people having varied feelings about participating in the study. Varying opinions from government officials, alarming new findings from leading virologists and scientists, changing mandates on public health safety precautions, and many other events have lead Americans to question the intentions or purpose of any new activity concerning the coronavirus. With questions and concerns like these, it is easy to get a mixed result of those willing and unwilling to participate in contact-tracing studies. However, despite consistent coronavirus chaos, in a recent study, about 62% of participants said they would participate and 17% said they would not. Other numbers reflect those who were not certain but even in that category, majority leaned toward yes. See the charts below:

Top 4 Key Drivers in Getting a 360 Degree View of Your Patients

TOP TWO Observations from COVID-19 in areas with a high population density

Over three days during the week of March 30th, Jasfel Analytics conducted an informal survey of 25+ local stores in high-density and mixed-income areas in northern NJ. These retailers consisted of local grocers, corner stores, restaurants, convenience stores with gas stations, laundromats, and pharmacies.

Here are the top two observations of this study:

  • Social Distancing: Only 10% of stores surveyed practiced social distancing inside of their facility. A staggering 100% of the stores did not practice social distancing outside of the stores.
  • Disinfection: An astonishing 100% of the stores surveyed did not sanitize high touchpoints used to enter their stores. The study observed a minimum of 25 individuals entering and leaving the stores. Most of the consumers entering and exiting the stores did utilize plastic gloves (or any hand protection) or face masks.

Major chain stores like ShopRite, Home Depot, and others in high-density areas observed social distancing and disinfection guidelines as ordered by the state.

To truly combat COVID-19, local governments must use data to track possible hotspots in the community and enforce the rules on social distancing and disinfection. If the rise in infections continues, local and state governments will bear the burden of thousands of infected residents.